From Crisis to Opportunity 

From Crisis to Opportunity 

The word crisis is derived from the Greek meaning to separate, to sift.  In other words to separate out what is beneficial from what is is not.  Sifting is associated with keeping what is needed or of value.

Across the world as we sift through, or discern, what is and has happened, the realization is clear that Coronavirus outbreak is giving each of us an opportunity for change.   As a Health Care Provider/ Nurse Practitioner/ Healing Professional, and working  on the front lines my perspective is a holistic view of opportunity .

During this time of social distancing everyone and everything has slowed down.  No more rushing around, our daily lives on automatic pilot, paying little or no attention to our self, others, and the environment around us.  That has changed with more “ alone” time we are given the gift- the opportunity to be fully present in the moment.  A chance to breathe in the fresh air, observe nature, and yes-relax.   The chain reaction of stress to anxiety to fear to eventual illness can be broken and needs to be broken since it is becoming clear that each of us is in charge of our health and have responsibility for our wellbeing.

Simple daily self care practices such as meditation, yoga, exercise, intentional breathing and getting adequate rest promote a healthy immune system which is vital to ward off illness and disease.  Stress is a cumulative effect and over time affects how our body functions leading to the development of chronic disease and co morbidly that affects the body’s ability to recover from illness. 

Taking the time to go inward-to self access who we are creates the opportunity to discern our relationships with others, our finances, our livelihood, and needs vs wants.  What really brings joy?  

 Fear not only inhibits us from being well ( adrenal system goes into overdrive and wrecks havoc with hormone regulation, organ function, and immune system) but, it affects one’s ability to make rational, safe, and proactive decisions.  ( hoarding food and supplies is not rational).  Fear is often the result of lack of no control over a situation. It is difficult to accept that things are out of our hands .  Not everything is in our control.  We are given the opportunity to let go.


Teresa Palmer