Tap Into Your Personal Power Before Illness & Disease Manifest

My mentors Michele Meiche and Ondre Seltzer talk about subtle energy-that energy that lies just below the surface.  It is through this energy that illness and disease can manifest in the physical body.  As a Nurse Practitioner, I have come to realize how important it is for individuals to recognize and intervene in this crucial period 

         Each of us has our personal power and it is at this time of subtle energy that tapping into one`s personal power can be utilized to promote good health and wellbeing and ward off illness and disease. How many times have you felt that “something is not right”, yet there is no pinpointing exactly what it is?  Intuitively you know something is going on with you physically, yet when you seek medical attention you are dismissed because on the surface everything appears to be in fine.   The power is in your hands.

    Intuition and self-care are the tools we have to prevent subtle energy from becoming physical illness and disease.  Our personal power is in recognizing what is happening – and intervening with self-care strategies.


  Do you have a Gut feeling- that feeling that something is not right, but cannot be pinpointed?

  Are you feeling grumpy, irritated, and/or overwhelmed without a specific reason?

  Are you experiencing abrupt changes in sleep patterns- difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep?

   Over eating?

   More easily fatigued?


  If you answer yes to any or all of the above, it is time to intervene and care for yourself.   

Self care strategies:


Sit quietly in medication daily for at least 5-10 minutes

  A daily yoga practice

  Breathe intentionally- full, deliberate inhalations and exhalations

  Connect with friends

   Connect with nature

   Do something you enjoy every day


Things not to do:

Don`t rely on tranquilizers and sleep aides

Don’t dismiss your intuition

Don’t put off taking the time for your self care-remember you cannot drink from an empty well.

Never give away your personal power

Teresa Palmer